Autorius: Ugnius Kiguolis Šaltinis: 2020-04-09 08:36:00, skaitė 1583, komentavo 5
Taigi, filologė Aistė Meidutė įgavusi galią nuspresti kas yra tiesa, o kas ne, konferencijoje apie Elektromagnetinės spinduliuotės žalą profesoriaus, radiofiziko Jono Grigo pranešimą pažymėjo kaip False News.
Filologės straipsnis teigia: Kaltina mikrobangas keliant daugelį ligų, tarp jų ir vėžį, bet įrodymų tam nėra.
Savo teiginius Meidutė remia:
1. Amerikos vėžio draugijos informacija - kur tiesioginės nuorodos į tokia info nepateikia.
2. "Recent advances in the effects of microwave radiation on brains", Military Medical Research 2017.04.29, kur teigiama <...> "the biological effects of microwaves remain controversial. In epidemiology, there is no conclusive evidence showing that microwaves have carcinogenic effects."<...>
3. "Microwave dangers? Top 5 Claims vs. The evidence."; 2013.12.21
Puslapiu, kuris neturi jokios mokslinės vertės, tai ne studijos, ne savo sričių specialistų pasisakymai, o tiesiog eilinių skeptikų nuomonės Filologė remiasi straipsniu, kurį rašė - Nick Tumminello check it out - PROFESIONALUS TRENERIS!!!
O dabar labai neįdomi dalis, studijos, kurių filologė nerado.
Trumpai be vertimo čia. Faktai:
1. RF yra 2B grupes kancerogenas. Exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation is classified as a Group 2B Possible Human Carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer at the WHO as of 2011.
2. mokslininkai siulo perklasifikuoti į Group 1 kancerogeną. Many scientists who work in the field of EMR feel there is clear evidence of harm from long term, low level exposure to this pulsating and penetrating non-ionizing radiation which warrants an IARC upgrade to a Group 1 Known Carcinogen. (Hardell and Carlsberg (2018).
3. 2018 metu issami studiju analize Peleg et al (2018): "Overall, the epidemiological studies on excess risk for HL and other cancers together with brain tumors in cellphone users and experimental studies on RFR and carcinogenicity make a coherent case for a cause-effect relationship and classifying RFR exposure as a human carcinogen (IARC group 1).”
4. Stem Cell Effects from RFR at Levels Far Below Current Safety Standards (Marcova 2010)
5. Robust Non-Thermal Radio-frequency Scientific Literature Not Considered in Policy. In a careful and well referenced review of the SCENIHR scientific policy documents, however, Dr Pall reveals that significant number of robust peer reviewed scientific articles were not considered in their deliberations. A 2018 research compendium, 5G- Great Risk for EU, US and International Health by Dr. Martin Pall
6. The recently released 10 year $25 million United States National Toxicology Program (NTP) study which examined cell phone radiation and cancer, confirmed other epidemiological studies showing an elevation of schwannomas of the heart and gliomas in the brain of mice exposed to radio frequency radiation at non-thermal levels. NTP Study Full Report Feb 2, 2018.
Based on this researchers are asking for radio frequency radiation to be upgraded to a classification as a probable (Group 2A) or known (Group 1)
7. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Many researchers currently believe that this type of non-ionizing radiation that we are increasing and unknowingly exposed to should be classified as a Group 2A or probable carcinogen or even a class 1 or known carcinogen.
7.1. Dr. Annie Sasco, International Agency for Research on Cancer 7.2. Dr. Anthony Miller, Former WHO Advisor: Upgrade RF to Group 1 Carcinogen 7.3. Dr Lennart Hardell and Michael Carlberg
8. Bioinitiative Report Update Supports IARC Classification of RF as Group 1 Known Carcinogen
ir toliau nuorodoje seka kelios dešimtys studijų ir straipsnių suskirstytų į kelias grupes, kurių kiekvieną galima skaityti ir įsitikinti bangų poveikiu organizmui, vienas iš "poveikių" - galimas VEŽYS.
a) Published Articles on Cancer and RF EMR
b) CANCER-Co-Carcinogenesis
c) Related Articles Oxidation/Antioxidants and Cocarcinogenicity
d) Related Articles on Mechanisms of Injury Ionizing Radiation
e) Cancer Clusters and EMR- Non-Scientific General Articles
Jei kas ir gali nerasti Studijų siejančių spinduliuotę su įvairiais poveikiais, tai filologai dirbantys žiniasklaidoje, kuri gauna vienas didžiausių tiesioginių pajamų iš telekominikacijų bendrovių, bandančių diegti 5G.